
PM Writing 4 Ruby 27 An Alien World




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An Alien World

Levels 27 Ruby

Key learning Area The Arts

Theme Science fiction

Title The Tune of the Tuilps

Text Type Narrative

Pages 2–9

Text Form Story

Genre Fiction

Purpose To entertain and/or instruct readers by telling a series of events with a problem and a solution

Text Structure

Orientation: The main character is introduced in a setting of time and place (Pages 2–3)

Complication: The character encounters a problem (Pages 4–8)

Resolution:The problem is solved (Page 9)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. communicator, mission, tendrils)

?Pronouns (e.g. her, it, they, their, he)

?Adjectives (e.g. newly discovered, tulip-like)

?Past tense verbs (e.g. asked, stepped)

?Adverbs (e.g. swiftly, suddenly, pleadingly)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. in a mass of tightly wound purple tendrils)

?Time and sequence words (e.g. It was the year 2097)

Title Reading Science Fiction

Text Type Discussion

Pages 10–16

Text Form Essay

Genre Non-fiction

Purpose To examine more than one side of an issue

Text Structure

Opening Statement: Outlines the issue (Page 10)

Arguments 'For' and 'Against': Includes evidence in support of and against the issue (Pages 11–15)

Concluding Statement: Summary of the writer's opinion (Page 16)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. authors, dimension, reality)

?Pronouns (e.g. it, their, they)

?Adjectives (e.g. exciting, advanced, believable)

?Sensing verbs (e.g. imagine, enjoy, like)

?Adverbs (e.g. usually, often)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. in the future, in space)

?Conjunctions/Text connectives (e.g. while, but, or)

  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2015/04/13
  • 語言:英文

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://>詹姆斯練習時扭到左腳踝,被列入每日觀察名單。 美聯社

因身體素質強健,而被球迷稱為「生化人」的詹姆斯(LeBron James)因昨天練習時扭到左腳踝,雖然經過X光檢查並無異樣,但騎士將每日觀察他的狀況。

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